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I decided to include this FAQ page here so people can quickly see what I stand for without having to come my blog posts. I also get tired of being labelled, neo-Nazi, homophobe, etc, it is very boring. So here are the facts.
Q: |Are you a Neo-Nazi??
A: No. That's evil.
Q: Do you vote Tory?
A: I am a new Tory. I have no choice. Once years ago, I'd voted for David Cameron, deeply regretted it, and never voted for them since. I never thought I'd vote for them again, but it seems they are the only party left who knows what a woman is and isn't woke, so reluctant Tory I am.
Q: Who do you vote for?
A: Party of Women or whoever will stop the mohammedan invasion. I urge everyone else in Britain to do so. The two-party system has failed us. If it did come down to solely Labour vs Tory, I'd obviously vote Tory. But I am not a Tory despite having voted for them in the past, I am just conservative in values and principles. When I was younger, I was a rabid liberal, I swung between Labour and the Green Party, but I could never vote for them now. They are less concerned with working class people, animals and the environment (things I actually care a lot about) and more concerned with pushing woo-woo like identity politics. Labour and the Greens will never see my vote ever again.
Q: Did you vote for Brexit?
A: Fuck no. I initially felt it was the worst decision this country ever made. However, now when I take a look at the EU and its various agendas (globalist, anti-white, pro-pedophilia, etc) I'm rather happy we left.
Q: Are you a 'TERF?'
A: We were always told that 'TERF' mean TRANS EXCLUDING RADICAL FEMINIST. This was a lie. Everyone from questioning grandmas to traditional, Christian, women living out their faith, have been slurred as a 'terf.' Still are slurred as a 'TERF.' So, no matter the origins of the phrase, we know it has changed and taken on a whole new meaning, targeting a whole group of people beyond just radical feminists, that group is: WOMEN. Period. No particular political persuasion required, only that you are female and reject gender ideology.
Men are not slurred as a 'Terf.' It is a uniquely female insult. With that in mind we can be sure the real meaning of 'Terf' is TRANS EXCLUDING RATIONAL FEMALE. Because that is who the slur targets: any rational woman, regular woman, sane enough to know that changing sex is fiction. No hint of feminism is required on her part. Trans ideology is completely misogynistic, so of course they say the slur was aimed at radical feminists and not women in general but that is just not the case. It is a slur used against rational, thinking women for protecting their sex-class and boundaries. I have been called it many times. Therefore, I AM A PROUD TERF. In fact, I am THE BIGGEST, FATTEST, 'TERF' IN THE UNIVERSE. 💚🤍💜
Q: Are you a Feminist?
A: Sadly no,-I am too much of a handmaiden to meet the requirements, but I do consider many radfems my allies. Libfems can fuck right off though.
Q: Are you a Vegan?
A: It's a noble goal, but no. I eat a lot of fish and chicken.
Q: Do you hate atheists?
A: No, I actually love a lot of them. They engage in good debate a lot of the time, encourage me to think critically, and often are more open to examining their bias than religious people are. However, some treat Atheism like religion and can be very ignorant of non-atheists, which I dislike.
Q: Do you hate Muslims?
A: No. I dislike a lot of people, some are Muslim, some are Christian, other have other faiths or none, but their religion or lack of it is never the reason they're an asshole. They just are.
Q: Do you hate Jews?
A: No. I don't hate Jews. They are brothers and sisters of Abraham. They have a right to a nation, to practice their faith in peace and live free from persecution like the rest of us.
Q: What do you think of the Israel-Palestine conflict?
In an ideal world, I'd support a two-state solution.
But we don't live in an ideal world, and we've seen what -happens when Palestine is left to its own devices: they elect (and leave unchallenged) terrorist leaders intent on massacring their neighbours, Israel. They elected Hamas. So no, I don't think Palestine is ready to be self-governing and I don't think it will be for a very long time. The sad truth about the Palestinian people is this: they have been indoctrinated by their terrorist government to believe the worst about Jews and the The West. As a result, they are unfit to elect their own government or run their own country in any capacity. They are a radicalised people in great need of de-radicalisation. This does not mean I support every Israeli action against Palestine, but broadly speaking, my support in this conflict lies with Israel. It will never lie with a nation who elected terrorists, follow terrorists, and who quite literally would be happy to see the destruction of the Jewish people.
Although I will say, I think the dialogue around this conflict has become increasingly toxic, and people have been forced to pick a side or a team. Those who have dared to question Israel's actions have been branded antisemitic. I dislike this a lot. Critique of any government is not a critique of its people.
Q: Do you hate Trans people?
A: Hate is not a very useful emotion, I can count on one hand the number of things I truly hate in this world. People who call themself 'trans' aren't one of them, although I have a strong dislike for transgenderism, which is nothing more than a minstrel show of womanhood. Nobody is born in the wrong body. I also no longer believe in the theory that men in womanface are 'sissy boys' or gay males with internalised homophobia. In fact, I think that any male who wants to dress up as a sexualised version of a female is the furthest thing from gay. In fact, I'd say he's very much straight indeed or possibly bisexual. The bottom line is it's a fetish, it's autogynophilia, so I don't do pronouns. Men are men.
Q: Do you hate Non-Binary people?
A: Yes. Only joking, hate is pointless and irrational, but my gosh they are annoying. They're narcissistic, attention-seeking, and severely mentally impaired. And I just don't have the patience.
Q: Do you have children?
A: No.
Q: Are you a troll?
A: No, I'm serious about everything I say.
Q: Why are you Catholic?
A: Because I believe that only Jesus can save this shit show of a planet. I also believe that as flawed as The Catholic Church is, the fullness of the faith is here, and I'm not walking away from Jesus because of the presence of Judas in the church.
Q: Are you homophobic?
A: No, and I identified as bisexual for virtually all of my adult life. But what I despise is the idea of a group of people building a ''community'' with one another based solely on their sexual attractions and preferences. I did not need an LGB community, I always felt that communities should be founded on common interests and values. I am also tired of the constant need of many LGB and T people to have their preferences and lifestyles affirmed. Nobody needed to affirm me when I was in that lifestyle. I was never that insecure. Nobody needs to support any of us in who we sleep with. Nobody actually needs to be celebrated for existing. I abhor the pathological attention seeking of the LGBT movement. I also don't agree with people in LGB relationships coveting what isn't theirs. Too many of them want to come for what is exclusively the right of heterosexual people: marriage, kids, etc. I don't agree with it, I never really did. Wanna be gay? That is your prerogative. Marriage is between a man and a woman, always was. Kids have a right to a father and a mother, not Joan and Jane in flannel shirts kidding on one of them is daddy. And no man can be anything akin to a mother. Do not steal what is not yours and the world will have no problem with the LGB. We can all be the best of friends. You should not need your friends to affirm or celebrate who you sleep with. And straight people would do well to remember that people with same-sex attraction are still children of God, whether they want to admit it or not.
Q: What have you got against 'Queers?'
A: A lot: for a start, 'Queer' doesn't actually mean anything, other than you're weird or sexually deviant. And it originated as a slur. It's also a label used by straight people who dress quirky, to piggyback onto the LGB community. Nobody is 'Queer' they're just fucking perverts.
Q: Why do you care about cancel culture and wokeness?
A: Because 'wokeness' and cancel culture are insidious cancers that threaten every value that I hold dear. They require that we lie and distort the truth to protect peoples feelings. They also require that we stifle intellectual debate, suspend all critical thought, and only engage in dialogue with people who think and live like us. I can't think of anything worse for mankind than the spread of cancel culture and wokeness.
Q: Why don't you review more books here?
A: Because I read books quite slowly due to being disabled. I do what I can, and wish I could read more.
Q: Do you hate femininity?
A: No, I love femininity actually.
Q: Do you hate gender roles?
A: No, I love and respect tradition, but I don't think people should be shackled to it if they don't want to. If you don't want to conform to a gender role you shouldn't have to.
Q: Do you believe in the patriarchy?
A: Not in the progressive, western countries, no. I don't believe there's this big glass ceiling constructed by males who sit around trying to oppress women. I think that there are obstacles women face in the west, sure, but I can't say I can link them all together into some sort of big tapestry of oppression that blankets western women. However, it's clear that in many Eastern European, African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries, the patriarchy is very real.
Q: What do you think about the concepts of 'Whiteness' and 'White Privilege'?'
A: I think that all white people are not a homogenous group and to say so is racist. I think that anybody can have privilege depending on where they are and what setting they're in. I'm sure if I was in a country where white skin was highly prized, somewhere like India, I might have white privilege, sure. But 'white privilege' as it's used by the left, to refer to white people in the USA, Canada, and the UK, is not something I believe in. Our countries are very diverse, being white doesn't usually get you special treatment.
Q: Do you hate flat earthers?
No! I don't get it but not everyone gets my Catholicism.
Q: Do you hate kids?
A: No. But most people don't raise them properly anymore. And for a long time that made me think I hate kids, I don't, I hate how most parent.
Q: How could you have been a bisexual, child-free, Catholic?
A: I really didn't think much of it, but I did pray to God and say if this is from you, I will accept it and if it is not, please remove it. Because I really was not sure whether it was a sin or not. I really did spend my adult life conflicted on this. Well, God did remove this inclination from me almost instantly after I prayed that, so I can only conclude that it was not of him. And why would it be? The bible is clear on this. I just had not been listening and I needed that personal revelation. I got it. If God had not removed that inclination I would have continued on identifying as bisexual. But I was in error.
Q: Why do you have to talk about all this shit?
A: Someone's got to, might as well be me. Can you imagine having all this shit in your head?
Q: Are you really Chris Whitty?
A: Apparently.
Q: Are you a Communist?
A: Fuck no.
Q: Are you anti-Chinese?
A: I'm anti-Chinese government, but that is not anti-Chinese. I'm anti-Chinese virus because it did originate in China and has ruined the planet. I'm also against China flooding the world with their cheap shit made in sweatshops by slaves. I'm also sick of the way the Chinese oppress their own people, Christians, Muslims, and Uyghurs. And I'm sick of the way they treat animals like shit. So no, I don't 'hate' the Chinese, but the government over there can go fuck itself.
Q: Are you Islamophobic?
A: No. It doesn't scare me. But I don't believe it has any place in the West. The only time Islam is beneficial for anyone is when it adopts the values of a western culture around it, aside from that I see it as a regressive ideology. That being said, it should be a choice if someone wants to practice Islam, that is personal freedom. However, I don't feel it has any place in Europe and am increasingly concerned about the Islamification of Europe. I do not believe it belongs here, and historically, everywhere it goes, oppression of women, children and homosexuals, follows.
Q: Are you Fatphobic?
A: No, but I think the 'fat positivity' movement is the dumbest shit ever. There's nothing 'positive' about eating yourself to death. Yeah, fat-shaming is shitty, we all know it. If you do it you're a dick, etc. But I don't endorse this fat positivity shit. It's unhealthy.
Q: Why are you so mean?
A: I don't actually intend to be. You should see me when I do.
Q: Are you really pro-life?
A: Yes. I'm alive and very aware of it.
Q: So you don't care about rape victims?
A: No, not true. Also, I am a rape baby, and a rape victim, so please don't use me to prop up your arguments to murder children. Being poor, unwanted, disabled, or having a rapist for a father, are not acceptable reasons to murder a child. Ever. If you think they are, you're welcome to your view. But it isn't mine, and we can agree to disagree. I am not a libtard, we can still be friends.
Now you know me better you can think of more accurate insults for me.
God bless,